Wellbeing and the Power of Scent

Wellbeing and the Power of Scent

A smell is not simply a smell, they are portals to ingrained memories. The salty briny smell of the beach, or the aroma of your mother baking muffins in the kitchen, a gentle waft of lavender on the breeze which reminds you of a holiday you once took. Just one small sniff can leave us dizzy with emotions and recollections. When we inhale an aroma, it travels through our nose to something called the olfactory bulb in the brain, the stimulus is then sent off to the amygdala for further processing. The primary role of the amygdala is decision making, memory and emotional responses, and it is part of something called the limbic system. A humans “emotional life” is typically housed within the limbic system which is responsible for our emotional and behavioural responses, heart rate, blood pressure, stress, hormone balance and memory retention.

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5 Tips for Helping Your Child to Feel Happy

5 Tips for Helping Your Child to Feel Happy

We all want our children to be happy right? Amongst other important things of course, but what are some ways that we can support them to feel happy?

Firstly, let’s be clear that children (or even us adults) cannot be happy all of the time, that’s not the purpose of these tips. We experience a vast range of emotions, all day, every day…which is normal. Besides this we cannot control the feelings we have, all we can do is learn to cope when we experience emotions that dont “feel good” or are uncomfortable. We can also focus on certain behaviours that are more likely to encourage your child to notice and appreciate the moments in their world that make them feel happy or positive.

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What Purpose do Feelings Have?

What Purpose do Feelings Have?

Psychologist Rachel Tomlinson explains the purpose of feelings and why it is important not to avoid them. Feeling and accepting your emotions gives you a sense of control and self-efficacy that you can manage them and can help them from feeling overwhelming.

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